For students who are in 6th-8th or 9th-11th grades who wish to increase their chances of being accepted into the school of their choice, it's never too early to start preparing.
We offer pre-application consulting which helps and guides the student to become the kind of candidate top schools seek.
We offer the following types of services:
- Academic Planning and Course Selection
- SAT Test Preparation Planning
- Extracurricular Activity Selection
- Determine the right level of participation, achievement, and leadership in extracurricular and co-curricular activities
- Identify & Develop Student's “Hook”
- Parent-Teacher-Student Relationship Building Strategies
- Summer Planning: Work, Research, Travel, Summer School / Camp
- Winter Break Plans
- Leadership Experience and Recognition
- Math and Vocabulary Skills Assessment
- Motivation, Goal-setting, Time Management
- Special Academic and Study Skills Needs
- Interview Prep Training
- Career Counseling
- Summer Reading List
- Essay Writing Practice
- College Essay Topics Brainstorming
- Create & Update Target College List